
Spring Summer_on Autumn

Mando Festival

This historical event, held in dedication of Akiba Shrine, has been performed for more than 240 years, since 1778. Its highlight is a young men’s dance to the music of flutes and drums while holding huge lanterns called “mando” which literally means ten thousands lanterns. This unique festival is held on a Saturday and Sunday in late July or early August.

Mando FestivalMando FestivalMando FestivalMando Festival
Mando Festival

Kariya Wansaka Festival and Fireworks Display

The Wansaka (literally means “full of”) Festival is full of events held in squares and on stages set up in the city in mid August. A fireworks display makes the night sky beautiful at the end of the festival. Visitors can enjoy wondering around stalls, sampling the treats the vendors have for sale. They can also enjoy the traditional “Obon” dance either as a spectator or a participant. Some visitors like to find a place to stop and just watch all the people go by. Many young people wear the traditional yukata, a cotton kimono. It is an event to be enjoyed by all.

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